
Japan now! : kafuka - Saunter

A Kyoto - based producer/sound designer  kafuka aka Kazuomi Eshima uploaded his new production which is named "Saunter" on soundcloud.

This track is like an electronica includes some shoegaze elements with bleep synth bass style with beats stuff.
Brilliant work, highly recommended it.

(JP)京都を拠点に活動するプロデューサー、サウンドデザイナーであるkafuka aka Kazuomi Eshima が新曲"Saunter"を公開。良作です。オススメ!

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Sun Glitters - B(l)each

A Luxembourg-based chillwave master Sun Glitters currently released a new EP "Diving into reality". This EP got 2 ver released by Abandon Building Records & Tokyo's AY Records which released SG's last EP "Galaxy (Japan Edition) incl Japanese genius Yosi Horikawa's remix.

This awesome glitter tune B(l)each is taken from AY's Japan Edition.  Now you can grab a copy from AY official bandcamp.
And last year Sun Glitters succeeded his 1st Japan tour, a year later finally he is coming back and playing his latest live set in several cities in Japan. Check the tour date below and if you are around those cities, why don't you pop in?

(JP)ルクセンブルグのChillwaveマスターSun GlittersがNEW EP"Diving into reality"をリリース。こちらは Abandon Building Records とこの B(l)eachが収録された日本企画盤を AY Records がリリースしています。また11/19-11/23の日程でSun Glitters Japan Tourが今年も開催。11/22(祝前日)のCircus Tokyo公演にはシークレットゲストも登場するので是非!

Other recommend

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Sun Glitters Japan Tour 2015 info

AY Presents Sun Glitters Japan Tour After Party
2015.11.22(Sun)at CIRCUS TOKYO

Sun Glitters
Deceptikon (Project: Mooncircle) -guest-
Very special guest
and more…

OPEN 23:00 / START 23:00
ADV ¥3,000 / DOOR ¥3,500 (+ 1 Drink)


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dubstronica - rei harakami forever 2012

Fortunately, I found very beautiful DJ mix on soundcloud which was recored by Japanese DJ, dubstroninca who is a Tokyo-based. It is named "rei harakami forever 2012" which is tribute of Japanese legendary electronica producer "rei harakami".

It is like a "very best of rei harakami" which includes a lots of his masterpiece tracks.
The world got really horrible news yesterday from Paris. It made us feel so sad, and feel like really bad weekend. I'm not really sure music can be save us or not, however at the least we need something like help.
Let's pray for the victims and world piece. This DJ mix definitely makes us feel better.

(JP)偶然見つけた東京を拠点に活動するDJ, dubstronica氏のrei harakamiトリビュートmixが素晴らしいです。世界が悲しみにくれるこの週末の救いと祈りに。

Other recommend.

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Japan now! : Urban J-pop band CICADA

If you are a music fan,  probably I don't have to explain about "Trip hop".
It was born in UK, early 1990s. and 20 years past nowadays.
In 2010s, Tokyo has bloody amazing that style music.

Fortunately, I currently found an urban style & true good J-pop band "CICADA". I don't know my opinion is collect or not ( might be collect or not... the answer is up to you)

however I felt these music is really inspired by black roots music and some electronic music when I listened to it at the very first time.

"door" is truly brilliant "Trip hop" style and it got very impressive lyrical electric piano phrase.
It really reminds me that J-Trip hop classic "ACO - 悦びに咲く花 (Yorokobi ni saku hana)".
Anyway, I totally became a huge fan of them.
Highly recommended.

(JP)和製Trip hopでUrbanなCICADAというバンドが素晴らしいのでファンになりました。
"door"という曲があるのですが現代の”ACO - 悦びに咲く花”というべき和製Trip hopの名曲だと思っています。オススメ!

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Yamataka EYE on NTS Radio

Japanse legendary experimental/no-wave/underground alternative group/BOREDOMS's Yamataka EYE DJ mix has got featured on London based internet radio station "NTS Radio".

Simply wow!! it is bloody unique & just an "EYE" style.
Highly recommended.

(JP)パーティー界の長島茂雄ことEYEちゃんのDJ mixが現在Londonのネットラジオ局"NTS Radio"のMixcloud上で公開中。EYEちゃん節全開のexperimental/no-wave/underground alternativeでヤバ過ぎです。必聴!

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