Jane Fitz - She is mixing subliminal Techno rhythm to rare groove.
London-based Jane Fitz is a totally amazing DJ.
She is She is mixing subliminal Techno rhythm to rare groove.
Her music knowledge & mixing skill are simply trustable.
Hope she is coming to Japan in near future....
(JP) ロンドンのJena FitzのDJが素晴らしいです。サブリミナルなテクノからRare grooveまでmixする様は深い音楽の知識とスキルを感じさせます。やはり海外のイケてるDJはしっかりとした音楽に対するバックグラウンドがありますね。
Putting on intimate parties in London must be an uphill battle. What makes it worthwhile for you?
Freedom and music and people and the pure, unadulterated commitment we have to putting on a good time and making people feel welcome. Loads of promoters say it's not about the money, but then secretly agonise over who to book, who will bring the punters in. That isn't us. Yes, London is expensive, venues are difficult to find, and it's a big city, but there is plenty of opportunity to do things by your own rules. You just need to be brave and creative.
This is the reason we moved our venue from Hackney to Northwest London. No one does parties there, so if you're going to take people out of their comfort zone, you have to be confident it's for a good reason (which is how parties used to be until about seven years ago, when East London became the focus). The result is something that isn't diluted by outside pressure—we have no desire to be hip, or rich, or recognised, so having no financial ties or credibility demands means we're outside of trend, and that helps keep it intimate. We just want to give nice people a nice time in the city where we both grew up. That's what a party is all about. It's easy to do, but only if that is your true motivation.
Check whole her interview on RA
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