
Deceptikon - From Time From Time

Proudly introducing this beautiful electric beats "From Time From Time" which was produced by San Francisco based Deceptikon . This track got really nice melodic acoustics guitar parts with tight & groovy drum patterns. My most favorite part is time code: 02:30~...
Can't stop to play this track. If you are a Post rock, future beats via electronica like Tycho, Arms & sleepers , old school Bristol trip hop etc, it would be your most loved track.

This track is taken from his latest album "Presidio"(Project: Mooncircle).

(JP) 去年Project: MooncircleからリリースされたDeceptikon による "Presidio"というアルバムに収録されている"From Time From Time"という曲が素晴らしいです。Tycho, Arms & sleepers などが好きな方に是非オススメ!

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Muneshine Ft. Grimm - Sunshine

Muneshine who is a Toronto based producer, released his new track Sunshine  Ft. Grimm which is really smooth & good deep house track.

Very soulful Grimm's vocal did fitted on this deep & bassy house track, indeed.
This track is currently available for free downloading!

Highly recommended.

(JP)トロントを拠点に活動するプロデューサー、Muneshineによるソウルフルなボーカルが印象的なDeep house trackが素敵です。こちらは現在Free downloadで配信中。

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