
Sima Kim - Ur Silhouette

A korean electronic music artist "Sima Kim" is currently based in Netherlands.

His track "Ur Silhouette" is not a really his new one.
However it is really dope soundscape & got arty vibes & I'd like to recommend.

Actually, I've been listening to this Drone/Ambient with Witch house style beats.
(Can't stop listening to it, really).

(JP)近年オランダを拠点とする韓国出身の電子音楽家”Sima Kim”。
"Ur Silhouette"という曲は彼の最新作というわけではないですが、とてもドープであり、芸術的な作品で是非オススメしたい一曲です。最近このウイッチハウスス
タイルの Drone/Ambientをずっと聴いています。

This track is taken from his old album which is named "Ur Silhouette".
And it is currently available for free downloading on his bandcamp.
If you are interested in kind of this style, why don't you visit to his band camp?

(JP)この曲は彼の旧譜アルバム"Ur Silhouette"に収録されており、最近彼の
band campでFree download配信されていますので興味を持った方は一度チェックしてみてはどうでしょうか?

Another recommend track is

Sima collaborated with Japanese beat maker Ryuei Kotoge.
This collabo track is bit different style from"Ur Silhouette".
However it  got very sweet synth melody & tight beats. I think you may like this one too.

(JP)日本のビートメイカーRyuei Kotogeとの共作は"Ur Silhouette"とはまた違った感じですがスウィートなシンセメロディーとタイトなビートが印象的で、こちらもオススメします。

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